This year has been filled with high and lows. Reflecting back, I have almost forgotten what a big year it has been. It started out with the biggest high I could ever ask for as a student at the University of Alabama... a National Championship. Thanks to my amazing dad; he, my sister, and I got to be at the game in Pasadena. That is a memory that I will never forget.
Going back to school after the game had been won was so much fun. The entire campus was completely on fire.
The next big thing that happened this year was spring break. I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Camp Rockmont with the amazing youth group at Calvary. I, yes Emily Sanderson, climbed a mountain AND slept at the top. That part was neither fun or comfortable. All night my head was on a sharp rock and I was rolling down the mountain the whole time. However, seeing the world from that very high point was an incredible blessing. Whoever can look at that same view that we did and say that there is not a God, needs to be checked. Seriously.
I spent the rest of the semester living with my best friends, doing life with the youth at Calvary, and having fun with Alpha Chi.
My big sister graduated college. WIERD. Whenever something has happened to her in life, I usually get a kick in the face because my turn is next.
This summer was one of the most fun summers that I can remember. It began with a girls trip to Charleston with my mom. Then, the rest of my time was spent in "Tuscaloosa." The quotes are there because there were a bunch of trips that we went on as a youth ministry. This summer I had the great opportunity to get to know my best friend Carlin's fiance, Jordan, so much better than I could have ever asked for. Usually when you meet someone and they are already dating the other person, you only get to know their significant other from them. Jordan did us a huge favor and helped us out as a staff for the youth ministry. Now when I say my friends Carlin and Jordan I MEAN my friends... not my friend Carlin and her fiance Jordan. With the youth group we went to Arlington, the beach, and to Super Summer. It was constantly busy, but so much fun.
As the summer ended, rush began. We were so completely blessed with an AMAZING pledge class. Then the semester started and football season began. School was rough this semester. The Lord has definitely taught me all about perseverance. That is a lesson that I think I have mastered...until the next season of life. Then, He teaches me a new way to hold more closely to Him and His throne of grace. For that I will be forever grateful. This semester I have also learned to take care of myself, get out of my comfort zone, get to know new people, and just have fun.
As I look back I see how much has happened. I also see that a year is much shorter than it used to be. I am excited to see where the Lord and I will be on our journey this time next year.